The modern medicine is more prone to parasitic theory of the onset of the disease and confirms that when they are living parasites in the human body, there is a regularity in the development of different type of disturbance. There are more than 300 known organisms, the major parasitic mode of life on the surface of the skin and the inside of the man. All kinds of parasites have life cycles, the mechanisms, but the unit one of the parasitic diseases enormous damage to the person.
The classification of types of parasites in the body of the man
There is a separation on the true and the false parasitism. Cases where the pest the diseases of the man is not harmful in case of ingestion and penetration into the body, are fake. The examples are insects and leeches in the nasopharynx, or alleys. Due to the risk of extensive damage, the obstruction of the airway is urgently needed for the removal of a parasite. The treatment of the true parasitism mainly drug depends on the type of pest.
The parasites that live on the surface of the body and on the bodies
The organisms, of parasites on the surface of the skin — the lice, the ticks, the bugs, some species of flies, mosquitoes. Harm to man by bites, form the pidermes of the colony, causing lesions of the skin. Parasites are a serious threat to humans, as vectors of infections and viruses, such as encephalitis, malaria, typhus, plague, anthrax.
This small parasite of man, composed of a single cell and parazitirujushchy in different organs and tissues, causing serious illness, often chronic. The most famous are the amoebae, giardia, Toxoplasma. Pathways of the parasites are diverse, mainly through food and water. Some species cause life-threatening diseases, for example, a certain species of amoeba that lives in water, and primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.
In the group of helminthes are species of worms parasites that live in the internal organs of living organisms. They are big enough, living in the body of parasites can cause great defeat tissues and organs, and in the absence of treatment, even cause death.
Release these types of parasites in the body:
- Roundworms, hookworms, are 1 to 2 mm (Trichinella) up to several tens of centimeters (ascaris). Some species, such as Ancylostoma, penetrate through the skin.
- Trematodes, tape worms, in the people has received the name of "gills" because of the suction cups on the body. Infection occurs during ingestion of a form of parasite, which develops in the body of the intermediate host or in the water.
- The larger helminths, cestodes, most famous names — the tapeworm, or taenia. Are more than 10 to 15 m (wave tsepen), and the greatest representative, tapeworm wide, reaches more than 20 m of the Intermediate host and the source of the infection are usually the farm animals.
The location, how and where to live parasites
There are several forms of location. Temporary location means a stay of a parasite in the body in a period of the development cycle. Fixed the form, when parasites in the body live all of their life cycle, laying their eggs in the human body and do not require their maturation in an intermediate host. Transit of the shape of the location is considered as the period of the migration of the parasite to the place of residence.
For the diagnosis and treatment it is important to take into account the shape and type of location. Of the location are divided in 2 main groups. The first group of parasites on the skin of the bodies. The parasites inside the human, affecting the internal organs, the species that can live on the bones, tissues and fluids, are a group of endoparasites includes the protozoa and helminth parasites.
The parasites inside and on the skin of the man
The internal parasites of man are divided into 2 types of parasites from tissues and parasites cavitary organs related to the external environment. There are atypical forms of the invasion, when the parasites penetrate in the unusual for your type of habitats, which makes it difficult to diagnosis and treatment, particularly in brain injury.
The parasites that live on the surface of the body and on the bodies have two main ways of, temporary and permanent. Insect pests, not living on the pidermes of the living beings, nourished by the bites are temporary and dangerous infections. The parasites that live on human skin, violate the integrity of the skin, causing dermatological diseases.
The types of meetings
Common parasites, living on the pidermes, including the causative agent of scabies — the itch mite, lice, callers of pediculosis, and skin tick — the causative agent of demodicosis. In spring and autumn appear to be the ticks that live in the area and the wooded area. The most simple are the most prevalent of such types of parasites in humans, such as giardia, Toxoplasma, trichomonas, amoeba, Plasmodium. Frequent the to apply vague and swine tsepen, the largest — broad tapeworm. Among the nematodes are often diagnosed ascaris, pinworms, Trichinella, whipworm. Trematodes are the most common flukes in the hepatic and gigantic.
The common symptoms of the infestation
When the eggs of the parasites or of adult parasitic organisms enter in the body of the man, comes the period of incubation during which the parasite, the infection may be asymptomatic. The signs of ectoparasites are visible immediately, the skin will appear allergic skin rashes, wounds, itching. Identify internal parasites more difficult, the parasitic diseases often have symptoms similar to other diseases. The main symptoms are called to the action of toxins, is often perceived as a consequence of the fatigue and are ignored.
The signal for diagnosis is the appearance of these symptoms:
- allergic reactions to the products of the livelihood of parasites;
- anemia;
- headaches;
- unreasonable sleep disorders;
- the dyspeptic disorders;
- frequent nausea, pain in the abdomen;
- the disruption of the INTESTINAL function;
- increase in body temperature;
- the pain in the liver or the increase of the authority;
- frequent unreasonable pain in the joints, muscles;
- the long-term ailments, is not associated with other diseases diagnosed.
The diagnosis
Detect ectoparasites in the skin, you can during the visual examination and microscopic analysis of tissues. To complicate the diagnosis of severe allergic reactions and secondary infections, which are diseases of the skin, having no parasite at the origin.
In a timely manner to find the presence of endoparasites much more difficult, the list of parasites in the human body exceeds hundreds of species, requires a diagnosis that is integrated, consisting of multiple tests and procedures:
- blood test;
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of blood;
- stool examination;
- The CT scan, and ULTRASOUND, can quickly identify the largest species;
- the analysis of the duodenal contents;
- the study of the secretion of 12 duodenal ulcer.
Drugs and the treatment of the
The treatment of parasitic diseases should be complete, shall be appointed by the attending physician on the basis of the laboratory analysis and the individual characteristics of the patient. This is due to the drug toxicity, the need for a regular monitoring of the condition of the patient. Independent of treatment can have negative effects, lead to life-threatening complications. If the parasites of man are located is not typical, identify the risks and the methods of treatment without spcialiste impossible.
The therapeutic measures are divided into three stages. The preparation phase is necessary to eliminate toxins from the body, relieve acute symptoms and for the protection of internal organs against the harmful effects of drugs. For these purposes, is prescribed hepatoprotectors, special products for the cleaning of the organism, the antibiotics, the diet.
The second stage of the destruction of the parasites, begin when the patient's condition is stable. Large helminths, such as the wave of tsepen and the big insect pests in the interior tissues are often removed surgically. The duration of a medication change affects the life cycle of the individual, the degree of lesions.
The third step aims to restore the body and the warning of re-infection. In the case of a mild form of infestation are quite simple to care of well-being. The parasitic diseases of man may require a prolonged treatment and recovery, cessation of the medication during the treatment delayed the healing process.
Prevention measures
The basis of prevention is to respect the personal hygiene, food processing and drinking water treatment, compliance with health standards in force at the time of the cooking of the meat and fish. Caution should be exercised when swimming in freshwater, where parasitic on a huge amount of parasites dangerous. Protection against ectoparasites is the application of quality repellents, it is recommended to avoid contact with infected humans and objects.
The most dangerous are considered pests encountered in the tropics and hot countries, planning a trip to these places, you need to carefully take care of the protection against insects. All the parasites that live in our body, constitute a threat to the health, and the respect of preventative measures will prevent serious parasitic infections.