How to get rid of worms in humans? Symptoms of parasites in the body can be felt by 9 out of 10 people, or more precisely, every 95 out of 100 people living on our planet. According to data published by the World Health Organization, 95% of people living on Earth are infected with various parasites. At the same time, the signs by which their presence can be determined apply to other diseases, so doctors tend to traditionally treat symptoms rather than diseases.
Painful sensations after treatment leave a person, but not for long. He goes back to the doctor, who resumes treatment of the symptoms. And so in a circle.
On the other hand, the following question may arise. If 95% of the people on the planet are infected with parasites, then maybe this is not a pathology at all? If you think so, then in this case you can cure diabetes, cancer, alcoholism, cardiovascular disease. After all, each of these diseases affects a large percentage of the population, up to 15-30%. And no one considers them the norm, and after diagnosis, they proceed to treatment.
What harm do parasites do to the body?
I have to ask myself how to get rid of worms? Living in a person's internal organs, parasites grow up to several meters in length. It is the human body that is their home. But here they behave in it not as a thrifty owner, but as a temporary worker, whose task is to minimize the life of their housing. The damage they cause to a person greatly shortens their life. After all, they live and eat, multiply inside. At the same time, they excrete the products of their vital activity. And they are toxic to the body.
These organisms are very ungrateful, it cannot be said about them that they carefully treat the environment in which they reside, that is, the internal organs of a person. They mercilessly try to destroy them. To stay in the body as long as possible, parasites use their sharp teeth, consisting of chitin, as well as suckers, hard hairs, sharp hooks, trailers. Parasites cause damage to the mucous membranes.
In addition, over the course of their life, they emit waste, thus overloading the human liver. They feed on human food, thus taking it away from the body. All this in general leads to a decrease in immunity. Children demonstrate the greatest vulnerability to worms. At the same time, frequent and rapid overwork, chronic fatigue, weakened immunity, obesity and a decrease in body temperature can be indirect signs of their presence in the body.
It should not be assumed that if worms live in almost any organism, then for a person they represent only an unlikely or hypothetical problem. Health risks are toxins that are released as a result of the vital activity of worms in the human body. They, these toxins, in 80% of cases are the cause not only of infectious diseases, but also of oncological diseases.
This really shocked researchers and scientists. Overall, over 40, 000 people die every day across the planet from worms. And at the same time, doctors consider the cause of the disease not the presence of the parasites themselves, but only the symptoms that have arisen due to this in the form of any diseases. And the dying don't understand the true cause of their illness, which has shortened their lives. Therefore, the question arose: how to remove worms from a person?
How to get rid of worms in a child?
There are effective and safe remedies and recipes on how to cure worms that have settled in the human body. They are different for adults and children. To remove parasites from the child's body, you can and should consult a doctor who will prescribe you some specific medicines, pills or drugs available in any pharmacy. But you can also turn to folk ways to get rid of worms.
However, one method should not be assumed to exclude the other. If the fight against worms in the body is complex, this will only increase the effectiveness of eliminating them. Treatment for worms involves a comprehensive approach.
One of the popular ways to remove worms from the body is to use herbal baths. Using oat straw baths is an old and proven way to quickly get rid of parasites through the skin. This method is very effective in calming a neurotic child. Expect that to achieve the expected effect, the child will have to bathe in such a bath for a long time - at least 2 hours.
The bath is prepared on the basis of a warm decoction, which includes 4 tablespoons of oat straw. Other specially prepared herbs will work, such as:
- green beans, you need 7 tablespoons;
- comfrey - 2 tablespoons;
- celandine - 4 tablespoons;
- thyme - 3 tbsp.
All these ingredients need to be poured with hot water, then let it stand for an hour, and only then can the baby take a bath. But the process doesn't end with the bathroom. The bathing procedure itself causes parasites to leave the body. But this effect does not last long, and if the helminths are not removed from the surface of the body, they will try to penetrate it again.
And this is all in order to prevent parasites from returning to the body, it is necessary to continue the procedure for removing worms. For this baby, his skin on his back, shoulders and arms must be smeared with honey. In no case do not smear honey on the chest in the heart region. Do not smear this product on the neck area. Noticing that the baby has started crawling out of the helminths, sprinkle his skin with flour. This will provoke the formation of a dense shell, which will delay the helminths, preventing them from penetrating the body. It remains only with the help of a sponge to scrape the resulting scab from the baby's body.
It is commonly believed that a similar procedure should be performed for children every month as a prophylaxis against helminths. But as for adults, such a bathroom does not suit them. This is due to the fact that the skin starts to become rough from the age of 12 and after the age of 15 parasites are unlikely to be able to leave the body through the skin.
How to remove worms from the body in an adult?
To remove helminths from the body of an adult, the same technique described above is used. The difference is only in the composition of the herbal bath mixture. It consists of 50 g of thyme herb, elecampane root, calamus rhizomes. In addition to these herbs, 25 g of mint leaves and walnuts should be added. And finally 20 g of aromatic herbs of wormwood, yellow gentian, yarrow, chamomile flowers and cumin seeds are added to the herbal mixture. All the above ingredients must be thoroughly mixed.
After that, fill them with hot water and let it brew for an hour. The resulting herbal mixture must be poured into a warm bath. As in the previous case, you will have to bathe for at least 2 hours, then rub your hands, back and shoulders with honey, and dust with flour if parasites appear on the skin. Remove the crust formed from the body with a sponge.
It is good to combine with herbal enema baths, which are an effective folk remedy for parasites and at the same time do not pose any danger to human health. It is very important that the use of enemas allows you to remove the decomposition products of worms from the intestines, which are very harmful to humans, because they poison the body.
An enema is applied 2 hours after taking a bath with medicinal herbs. The composition of the enema will include a solution of water, in which a teaspoon of salt and garlic is diluted to 7 cloves per 1 liter of water. The whole solution must be boiled and cooled to the temperature of the human body. Only after that you can proceed to the procedure itself. This enema is suitable for both adults and children. Salt is added to the solution to improve the absorption of water in the intestine.
Prevention is the best way to get rid of it
How to deal with worms?
Preventing worms from appearing will be the best way to get rid of them.
It should be borne in mind that most often parasites enter the body when:
- eating unwashed fruits and vegetables;
- non-observance of simple hygiene rules in food preparation;
- insufficient heat treatment of some products, especially fish and animal meat;
- close interaction with people and animals sick with worms.
Compliance with elementary hygiene rules, if it does not completely eliminate the likelihood of infection, will at least significantly reduce the risks. Only the simplest rule, which is to wash your hands before eating, both after returning from the street and after visiting the bathroom, will save you in 90% of cases from helminth infection.
Add to this rule the daily change of underwear, disinfect clothes, towels and bed linen more often. Include here a thorough washing of fruits and vegetables, heat treatment of meat and fish, and you can forget about parasites. If pets live with you, regularly remove parasites from them with pills, use other means.
All family members should take good care of their nails, as neglected nails are a source of accumulation of parasite eggs. This is especially true of young children, who sometimes show enviable tenacity in biting their nails. By applying these simple and uncomplicated tips, you are very likely to get rid of helminthiasis in yourself and in your family.