As often, the people who deal with images of parasites, themselves say that they will not. In fact, they are constantly washing hands, do not the animals, not to eat in the dining places, and prepare at home, with the greatest rigor in respecting the technology of cooking, do not drink water from questionable sources. But the answer to all of these allegations, perhaps more that he is not happy. The world Health Organization has provided facts, which states that in the world die each year, approximately 50 million people, 16 million of them die from parasitic and infectious diseases. Patients who are infected with intestinal are in third place.
As we can feel the presence of petition people in the body? On this question meets the plain language and accessible dr. Thomas J. Brooke in the Basics of medical parasitology". He says that worms is one of the oldest human parasites, which are so closely, were installed in the human body, in her intestines, organs, adapted here so that, sometimes, their presence is time for the man is absolutely not visible.
The goal of each parasite is to hide. It is important time to stay unnoticed for a little bit longer to live. And these people who think parasites are very stupid deeply in error. It is quite intelligent creatures. Naturally, the spirit, they have not so much developed as in man, but they are able to survive and reproduce, this unnoticed. Most people see themselves as normal even pain, skin problem, constipation, syndromes of chronic fatigue, without any reason, the frequency of colds, and joint pain. But all of these factors must alert people, make them more and more inclusive, to take it to his person.
Parasites in the human body, the symptoms
The world of parasitic creatures that inhabit those immense. They are of great length, up to several meters, and quite invisible to creatures ' eyes. While remaining unnoticed for the people, they are completely care of their bodies and make their dwelling. There they live, reproduce, and are just a few signs of parasites in the body of the man can ask for their existence.
Each pest there is a precise place of the location in a living body. For this reason, and the clinical evolution of the lesions. But there are common signs are accurate in 75% say that the person is infected.

The symptoms of parasites in the body:
- Intoxication, which causes parasites in the body of beings. Mostly in such cases, often begins with a headache, loss of appetite, nausea and irritability.
- Allergies, which also appears suddenly that disappears. It is almost impossible to get rid of it with the aid dermatological funds. If the person prone to allergies is infected by parasites, it is more pronounced. It can be filled with spasms in the bronchial tubes or swelling of the mucosa.
- The anemia appears to be the result of the earthworms for the account of the man. The more often the nutrients that it previously received, was sufficient for his well-being, but with the advent of the worms of the earth the image is slightly different. In particular, the body becomes insufficient iron, which is manifested outwardly pale skin is thin and frequent vertigo.
- Slimming appears on the ground expressed by the battles of the people with parasites are micro-organisms helpful. In children, it manifests itself most strongly. If the normal diet the person looks haggard and more, this is not to gain weight, there is every reason to think that all this because of the parasites.
- Inconstant hyperthermia, during which the temperature rises up to minor marks, generally, does not exceed 37.5 degrees. When this temperature is quite there is no sign of a possible disease.
- Disorders of the intestine are the main symptom of human parasites. The manifestations of these disorders can be very diverse. This can be a pain in the stomach, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, rumbling sound. Often, these signs combine to dysbiosis, which does not disappear, even after the medicinal and antibacterial treatment.
- The preference for sweet foods. Taste of the dependence of man often change. This can be explained by an insufficient number in the body of nutrients.
If only one of these signs should be alarming for the man, and if this symptom is not one, but several, it is best to immediately discuss with a specialist.
There are specific symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body of the man:

- Fatigue, accompanied by a nightmare going to bed. This phenomenon is, in particular, can occur when the central nervous system of the man is irritated by the earthworms, which create the shortage of nutrients due to poor assimilation of all trace elements.
- The problem with the appetite. It or non-existent, or, on the contrary, strongly increased. A back taste of bitterness in the mouth of man is the result of a poisoning of the body.
- Gnashing of teeth with a strong branch of saliva appears at the defeat of the helminth infections of the nervous system and the liver of man.
- The pain in the muscles and joints. This occurs if the damaged and inflamed and the muscle tissue in the presence of earthworms in the fluid of the joints and muscles.
- The discomfort in the genital area. These symptoms occur in people infected with Trichomonas.
- Disorders of the immune system, which threatens to frequent colds and causes the proliferation of bacteria.
- Cancer of the disease, which occur because of the chronic intoxication of the organism of parasites, the failure of the immune system, extensive inflammatory processes in the body and deficiency in nutrients.
- The inflammatory processes in the organs of respiration. Sometimes familiar to us, it would seem normal cough, fever, secretions, phlegm and cold is nothing that the signs of the migration of the parasites. Often ascariasis and these diseases are accompanied by pneumonia.
There are cases where people infected with the parasite, often ill bacterial and viral diseases, will wake up at night, have serious weight problems, edema of the eyelids, dermatitis and human papillomavirus and do not pay attention to all these symptoms.
The specialists strongly recommend to understand the causes of certain diseases and would necessarily exclude the presence in the body of the man of earth worms. Women who have suffered the attack of the worms of earth, may suffer from painful and irregular menstrual cycles, fibroids, fibroids, fibro-cystic breast disease. The men, in which was discovered cystitis, prostatitis, sand or kidney stones and the urinary bladder, or adenoma is also desirable to exclude the possible presence of earthworms.
In some cases, the presence of a parasite, you can set and when visual examination is potentially a victim of earthworms of the man. What are the symptoms, in particular, should throw in the eyes?
The contamination of helminth infections is defined as:

- Humans can be a lot of acne, freckles, its leather cover rough and pale, with early, visible wrinkles on the face, spots, papillomas. His nails, for no apparent reason, are in very bad condition, they are laminated and will break, crack the heel. These external signs indicate that the whole of the gastrointestinal tract may be subject to attacks of trichomonas, giardia, or other more simple.
- In children who are infected by parasites that are inadequate, inappropriate for the age of the growth, the poorly developed lobe of the ear, fingers shorter-same hands, lean down the hair.
- Discovered on the language the man is clearly visible a white layer said that these Candida fungi covered is not only the language, but all of the intestine, esophagus and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Attempts to remove this plate with the language does not lead to positive results, the treatment using the drugs.
- You can identify pathogens in the body, after having analyzed the whole of his work.
If you suspect the presence in the body "the unexpected guest" and the coincidence of at least a pair of symptoms is better not to procrastinate and to ask the advice of specialists. In fact, the noise that is frightening to the bottom, from which it is better to get rid once and for all.